
Portfolio ↗ (opens in a new tab) is this very portfolio.

Technologies used:

GitHub (opens in a new tab)

Main Site ↗ (opens in a new tab) is my main website for navigating to my projects.

Technologies used:

GitHub (opens in a new tab)

Eras ↗ (opens in a new tab) is a web application that tracks information in real time and provides time-series statistics for the game Toontown Rewritten. This application contains an Angular frontend hosted on Vercel and a Spring Boot backend hosted on

Technologies used:

GitHub (opens in a new tab)

discord-spring-boot-starter is a Spring Boot starter that allows users to easily create Discord bots using Spring Boot. This starter provides a simple way to create commands using annotations and provides a way to easily interact with the Discord API.

Technologies used:

GitHub (opens in a new tab)

WindiaFAQ is a Discord bot that would provide simple utilities for users in the Windia Discord server. This bot served 1000+ users for 2 years until the server was shut down.

Technologies used:

GitHub (opens in a new tab)